

Advanced Player Development

Athletic Development customized for the individual player. Athletes will benefit from a training program that is specifically designed for their athletic needs. This comprehensive program includes Anthropometrics, Movement Analysis and Performance Metrics evaluations. Program design and implementation will address areas for improvement while reinforcing areas of strength. Emphasis will be placed on developing the player’s mobility, speed, agility, strength, power and energy system capabilities specific to the demands of the game & player position.

Advanced Player Development - Small Group Training Program

Athletic Development design specific to the individual player and implemented within a small group environment. Athletes will benefit from customized programs while training with their peers. Evidence supports that exercising in a group environment can have positive effects on the physical, psychological and emotional wellbeing of our athletes. Program design and implementation will address areas for improvement while reinforcing areas of strength. Emphasis will be placed on developing the players mobility, speed, agility, strength, power and energy system capabilities specific to the demands of the game.

Advanced Player Development - Online Training Program

The Novanta Sports Performance Online High-Performance Soccer Fitness Program will provide athletes with a customizable comprehensive strength and conditioning program focused on improving athletic qualities, while mitigating the risk of injury all in the comfort of their own home. Our goal is to maximize on field performance while supporting long-term athletic development.



Advanced Team Training

Advanced Team Training combines fitness with technical training allowing athletes to develop physically while also benefitting from soccer specific skill acquisition in a positive team environment. Players will benefit from developing Football Fitness that is contextual to the specific demands of the game. This model of training creates the optimal learning experience for the soccer athlete.

Advanced Team Training – Online Periodization Training Mode

This program is designed to assist coaches with implementation of fitness modules within their technical and tactical training sessions. Under the guidance of our Technical and Sports Science staff, Coaches will learn to use Tactical Periodization methodology to ensure Football Fitness is obtained within the context of the game. Exercise selection, volume, and intensity will be programmed and monitored in a simple format that will be easily accessible to coaches through their mobile devices.

Technical & Tactical Programs

Advanced Soccer Systems

Our Individual Development Plans (IDPs) provide players with the necessary tools to impact the game from any position of play. Our program focuses on position specific technical skills to help develop proficiency and confidence on the ball. Emphasis will be placed on proper body orientation as it relates to speed of play and decision making while underlining the importance of the players’ first touch. Players will obtain an understanding of the visual cues required for the timing of individual movement that is vital to finding time and space to receive the ball. Skill acquisition will be applied in 1v1 attacking and defending situations

Advanced Soccer Systems – Small Group Training Program

Working with our Soccer Technical experts, our small group technical training program will improve players ability on and off the ball. Athletes will benefit from technical and tactical skill development within a group dynamic. Training sessions will be based on the four moments of the game – attacking, defending, transition to attack and transition to defend. Players will develop an understanding of movement and partnerships in relation to the ball, their teammates, the opposition and space. Training sessions will focus on individual and combined efforts to move and penetrate the opposition as well as develop cohesion to defend collectively as a group.

Return to Play

Sports PREP

Novanta Sports Performance has created the Sports Performance Rehabilitation Exercise Program (Sports PREP). In collaboration with rehabilitation specialists and using current research-based protocols, athletes will benefit from a Return to Play program specifically designed for their physical needs and demands of their sport. Athletes can feel confident about a full return to competitive sport by training in a competitive yet safe environment.


Nutrition Program

Fuelling Young Athletes:

4 Week Virtual Sports Nutrition Program

This four-week interactive and educational sports nutrition program will give young athletes the foundational skills required to help nourish their growing bodies. Participants ages U12-U16 will learn about Nutrition Foundations, Balanced Snacks, Fuelling for Practice and Exercise Recovery. The program will also encourage food literacy and cooking skills through the preparation of delicious and nutritious recipes. Participants will receive info graphs to encourage application of knowledge following the program.

This program is offered to Teams and Individuals

1 on 1 Counselling

Looking to improve your performance and overall health through food and nutrition?

Novanta Sports Performance’s offers 1 on 1 counselling to support athletes reach their health and performance goals. Our Sports Nutritionist works collaboratively with athletes and parents to provide the following services:

  • Hydration and recovery strategies
  • Fuelling for exercise and competition
  • Injury recovery and/or prevention
  • Nutrition periodization
  • Muscle gain
  • Prevention of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S)
  • Evidenced based recommendations for Supplements
  • Meal planning

Optimize nutrition for athletes living with:

  • Diabetes
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Anemia
  • Crohn’s disease
  • GERD

Education Seminars

Novanta Sports Performance is committed to education within our development model. Our team of professional coaches have created a number of workshops to assist Technical Directors, Coaches, Players and Parents on a number of topics relating to all aspects of Physical Literacy and Fitness within the beautiful game. Our interactive workshops are designed to help engage our audience by providing hands on experience to aid in their learning. Our seminar series topics include:

  • Physical Literacy for the Youth Footballer: How We Move Matters!
  • Dynamic Warm Up & Cool Down: Training and Match Day Preparations
  • Player & Team Monitoring: Measuring and Tracking Intensity in a Team Setting
  • Periodization for Youth Football: Building the Weekly Microcycle
  • Nutrition & Restoration: Fuel & Recovery Strategies for Performance